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Renovation of Safe Home: Uzgorod, Ukraine

In the summer of 2010, Hope and Life sent $9,000.00 to tear down and replace a dilapidated roof for an operational home for street children in Uzgorod, Ukraine. This home is a safe haven for children that previously lived on the street and provides more than just a "roof over their head". The children who come are fed, cared for and taught that they are valuable.

A team from Hope and Life visited recently and was so impressed with the work that was being done in this home for the precious children of Uzgorod. The director had lamented to our team that he would need to move outside of the city since the roof was in such bad shape. The impact of the home would not be as great if they moved outside of the city but he didn't know what else to do. Hope and Life agreed that it would be best to stay in this great location where more children would be able to benefit.

Hope and Life plans to send an additional $9,000 to complete this project so the home can remain in its downtown location.